понедельник, 31 мая 2010 г.

What time is it now?

Almost every person that has pocket music player at least once asked himself a question - why am I lying with eyes closed listening favourite music with perfect player, relaxing but with any ability to know what time is it now without eyes opening, turning on screen, or even turn on the lights in a room?

Note, that there are lot's of devices without screen at all (iPod shuffle for instance).

So there is a simple solution!
Almost any pocket device (player, media player or even electronic watches) can be equipped with quite simple extension - by double click on Play button (or any other button if doubleclick on Play is already used) SPEAK current time on a currently selected language.
Samples for current time speaking are insignificantly small nowadays even if device have them on 20 languages.

Also it can be a marketing feature that didn't met on devices before

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